Hygiene and disease prevention
April 12, 2020
Wildlife can carry a range of zoonotic diseases and parasites. Working with wildlife can expose humans to these diseases and parasites. The actions of people trapping wildlife can also potentially facilitate the spread of diseases and parasites within and between wildlife populations. Preventing wildlife-to-human transmissions is highly important as some of these Zoonotic diseases can pose a significant risk to humans.
Open wounds and scratches on hands must be covered before handling animals.
Bites and scratches should be immediately sterilised using an alcohol based antiseptic, then covered with a waterproof dressing.
All people handling animals must take basic precautions to prevent wildlife to human transfer of disease, including:
Maintaining high levels of personal hygiene.
not eating, drinking, smoking or using personal insect repellent whilst handling animals.
washing clothes and equipment that has come into contact with animal blood or body fluids.
cleaning all equipment between trapping locations; basic first aid for treatment of cuts, bites and scratches.
Cleaning trapping equip also helps prevent disease and parasite transmission between animals. We recommend washing traps in a solution of warm water and mild fragrance free detergent. It is also advisable to then soak the traps in a solution of 1% bleach and water for 10 minutes then thoroughly rising in clean water and air drying.